Admissions Pipeline
Fall admissions data is available for first-year undergraduates, new undergraduate transfers, and new graduate students. Data can be filtered by residency.

New Student Admission Scores
Scores listed in the report are an average among undergraduate students in the incoming first-year full-time fall cohort.

Student fall enrollment data is available based on career level (undergraduate and graduate) and new student status (incoming first-year undergraduate and new undergraduate transfer).

Full-Time Equivalent Enrollment
ABOR Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) is calculated based on students' enrolled coursework as of the 21st day census reported to IPEDS and ABOR.

New Undergraduate Transfers
New Undergraduate Transfer data is available by transfer institution and transfer institution type.

Retention and Graduation
Retention and graduation rates by entry cohort for first-time full-time undergraduates and new full-time undergraduate transfers. Data can be filtered by sex, IPEDS race/ethnicity, and residency.

Degrees and Majors Awarded
Degrees are available by fiscal year, award level, sex, and IPEDS race/ethnicity. Majors awarded are available by fiscal year, award level, and CIP code.

Tuition and Mandatory Fees
Tuition and Mandatory Fees are available by academic year and residency for full-time undergraduate students enrolled at the main campus.

Honors College
This report contains the counts for the Honors College enrollment based on the fall census.

College of Medicine
College of Medicine data includes the number of applications and the number of applicants that were considered, selected, and matriculated.