UAccess Analytics

UAccess Analytics is the University of Arizona's internal hub for viewing data and generating reports. Here, provisioned faculty and staff can access up to hundreds dashboards, pulling data from carefully constructed subject areas, to find the answers they need.

The data housed here is refreshed nightly for users to create their own timely analyses, reports, customized dashboards, and more.

UAccess Analytics

Visit your homepage to view dashboards and build reports.

My UAccess Details

View the information stored about you in UAccess Analytics.

Arizona Profiles

New suite of convenient dashboards providing high-level aggregate data.

UAccess Analytics Provisioning

Follow these steps to request provisioning via AccessFlow. 

Am I Provisioned to Access this Data?

As a University of Arizona employee, your provisioning (or access to certain types of data) is initially determined by your position and the official responsibilities assigned to you. This is done to ensure federal, state, and medical privacy laws are strictly followed.

You can view your current provisioning roles here.

If you are not provisioned or would like to request a review for more provisioning, submit an AccessFlow request.

How Can I Learn to Use UAccess Analytics?

UAIR provides a number of educational opportunities to help you make the most out of UAccess Analytics. From office hours and in-person workshops to small class settings and online videos, our mission is to help you get the most out of the university's data services. Visit our Training page for more information.

Highly Used Categories and Dashboards in UAccess Analytics


Balances, line details, operating budgets, projects, and other budget analysis dashboards.


Over a dozen dashboards containing faculty, staff, and workforce data.


Central and general dashboards in accounts, capital, and other financial areas.


Data from awards, proposals, sponsored projects, and other dashboards in research data.


Various dashboards illustrating admission, enrollment, retention and other data sets.


Dashboards providing part of the required data described by the Academic Program Review