Arizona Profiles Now Open to Provisioned Users

A new way to access University data is here. All nine Arizona Profiles contain dashboards designed to deliver high-level aggregate data with a better overall user experience.
Now you'll get a more complete picture of your college or department while spending less time navigating various dashboards in UAccess Analytics. Arizona Profiles presents popular data points in a more visual and easy-to-navigate format while providing plenty of new ways to drill into the numbers.
When you enter the profile pages, they will automatically populate with data from your college or department. You can easily change the prompts to view data from other colleges and departments or clear them to view data for the entire institution.

Lunch & Learn Sessions
Learn about various dashboards in Arizona Profiles through live demos and Q&As.
Explore Nine New Dashboards in Arizona Profiles
Before you go on...
- Log in to VPN and UAccess Analytics prior to visiting the links below.
- You may get an error message if you don't have the necessary provisioning, or permission, to view various Arizona Profiles. You can check your current provisioning here.
- If you have a business reason for requesting access to other profiles, please use the Access Provisioning Tool (APT).
Summary data at the college or department level, focusing specifically on workforce, finances, space, faculty, RCM SCH, students, proposals, sponsored awards, and F&A. Each section on this profile links to another one of the Arizona Profiles for additional details.
Analytics Role: BI_INTEGRATEDANALYTICS* (Referred to as Integrated Analytics in APT)
Find the number of faculty in a college or department, broken out by track/contract status, academic rank/position, age, IPEDS race/ethnicity, and more.
Analytics Role: BI_HR_MED (HR-Medium in APT)
View financial information like current income, expenses, and fund balance along with local tuition and fees, and total expenses by consolidation group.
Analytics Role: BI_FS_MED (Base Access in APT)
See current sponsored award activity, award expenditures, and other related metrics broken out by sponsor, award, and activity type over a range of fiscal years.
Analytics Role: BI_RA_MED (Research-Medium in APT)
Find student headcounts based on primary plan broken out by academic career, residency, gender and more for both grads and undergrads.
Analytics Role:BI_SA_MED (Student-Medium in APT)
View graduate and undergraduate figures counted once in each of their plans (excluding minors) by academic level, residency, demographics, and more.
Analytics Role: BI_SA_MED (Student-Medium in APT)
See rates for all first-time, full-time undergrads in academic plans owned by a college/department, as well as official overall university retention rates.
Analytics Role: BI_SA_MED (Student-Medium in APT)
Find six-year graduation rates for first-time, full-time undergrads in college/department academic plans, as well as the overall six-year university graduation rates.
Analytics Role: BI_SA_MED (Student-Medium in APT)
View college/department workforce details including employee headcounts and job FTE by ABOR classifications demographics and more.
Analytics Role: BI_HR_MED (HR-Medium in APT)
*The Integrated Analytics role is automatically assigned once users have been provisioned for each of the following roles: Financials-Medium, HR-Medium, Research-Medium, Student-Medium and Space-Medium.