Postponed: Data Exploration Series | March 27

Feb. 25, 2020

Update: Given the current concerns over the spread of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, UAIR has decided that postponing this event is a responsible decision to promote health and safety on campus. Please contact us if you have any questions.


FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 2020

Integrated Learning Center (ILC) Room 130

A key goal of our Data Warehouse Initiative in the Strategic Plan is to promote data literacy through increased communications and educational opportunities. That's why we're proud to announce the first of many events from our new Data Exploration Series, with the kick-off presentation covering the pillar of Student Data.

This presentation will focus on retention and graduation data, including a brief introduction to related subject areas and an overview of the new curricular flow dashboard.

Space limited. Deadline to register is Friday, March 20, 2020.

Register Here